Core Value # 3: Virtue should be honoured
This sort of view advocates any form of practice which praises pr honours the virtues of others. To give some examples:
Different shells but the Same Core
Differrences arise as we grow up and start to recognize the variation in nationality, religion, race, skin colour, social status, appearance, etc.
Core Value # 5 : The real existence of the ‘world’
The term ‘world’ in Buddhist terminology means more than just our planet. It means:
Core Value#1: Sharing is desirable
This is an attitude to the world which sees the importance of sharing what one has with others, whether it be the things we eat, the things we use, our time, our knowledge or a helping hand, It doesn’t mean that everything needs to be equally shared, but it means that a person shouldn’t believe that it ought to be ‘every man to himself’.
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. How to change this erroneous core value?
Soldiers and policemen have to be brave and they therefore, get into the habit of drinking alcohol to make them look courageous. I would like to ask Luang Phor how to change this erroneous core value?
Recall the Four Target Character Traits which will assist a person in absorbing the Positive Core Values necessary for reforming human nature and the quality of society, namely
Underlying Objective of Dividing Society into Six Sectors
No-one in the world is perfect. Therefore we must know how to interact with the different social groups around us in order to pick up the positive core values we lack from them
Social Disaster : 6. The Boss-Employee Relationship
If an employer and an employee are undisciplined and do not cherish harmony in the workplace according to the teachings of the Six Directions
Change the World in Singapore - Vesak Day 2012
The good story and pictures from Singapore since the Vesak Day 2012
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary